Designing a wireless gesture recognition glove, part 1
August 31, 2013
Last June, I participated in the MAKE with MOTO event where a few Motorola engineers and a van full of electronic parts stopped at Caltech. I joined two other Caltech students (Justin Koch and Rob Anderson) and two Pasadena Art Center design students (Walt Chiu and Joeseph Kan) to come with some crazy design and finish a prototype for it within 48 hours. We came up with an American Sign Language (ASL) glove. A glove that could recognize ASL gestures and translate to text/speech/whatever in close to real time on a smartphone. We think that such a device could allow for better communication between deaf and hearing people.
We managed to finish a proof of concept within that weekend which had conductive pads on key regions of the hand and fingers and a huge wire running from the glove to a Moduino (an Arduino DUE mounted to the back of a Motorola RAZR MAXX HD). We managed to finish the hardware but we ran out of time to actually complete the gesture recognition. The device also lacked accelerometer/gyro/compass (motion sensor) which prevented us from picking up actual gestures besides hand configurations.
Today, I’m going to discuss my design process in building an actual prototype. The main weaknesses in the proof of concept was the bundle of wires going from the glove to the phone and the lack of a motion sensor which prevented true gesture recognition. I’m going to improve these areas by designing my own PCB with a motion sensor, bluetooth module and battery so that the glove can be completely wireless and smarter. Here are my main component choices and why I picked them:
Microcontroller: Atmel ATmega32U4 I knew I wanted a microcontroller supported by the Arduino environment for speed of implementation and the lovely reference schematics. I also wanted one that could communicate with my computer at the same time as communicating to the bluetooth module over serial. Therefore, the ATmega328 (used in the Arduino Uno) was out. I also wanted to minimize board area and power draw since this was going to sit on the back of a hand. So I chose the ATmega32U4 in the Arduino Leonardo over the ATmega2560 or the ARM core that the Due uses. The ATmega32U4 has a built in USB controller for communicating with the computer but otherwise is a pretty standard atmel microcontroller.
Bluetooth Module: RN-42 I chose the RN-42 because it seemed easy to integrate (just connect TX, RX, 3V3, and GND). It has a built in antenna and is only 1" x 0.5" .
Motion sensor: Invensense MPU-9150 Combining 3 axis gryo, 3 axis accelerometer, and 3 axis compass into a 4mm by 4mm package, the MPU-9150 seems like a great choice for a first try. If we find we need something with more precision or more accuracy, then we can upgrade later. It has a nice and easy I2C interface and runs of 3V3.
Battery interface IC: TI BQ24075RGTT We are running the board off a 1 cell Li-ion battery so we need a part to charge it and ideally automagically handle to choice between battery power and external power. The BQ24075RGTT does both of these things AND boost regulates the output voltage to 5.5V to make the voltage conversion to 5V and 3V3 easy. This part also offers the ability to run without a battery attached which will be nice for debugging and programming as all I will need is a micro USB cable.
I’m starting out with parts that are easy to develop on and heavily-used by the hobbyist community to make it easy to get started. Part 2 will show the schematic. Future topics include assembly, first boot-up, and initial code development.